Create a SharePoint Intranet
A PowerShell with SharePoint tutorial
As a last part in our series PowerShell with SharePoint
from Scratch, we offer some articles and demos where Peter
Kalmström explains how to create an intranet with subsites
for three departments in a small company. The department
names are added to a Departments array, which is the basis
for most of the code.
The root site is a HQ site that we created in an
earlier article. In the articles before this one, we
have created one
Communication subsite for each department, added a common
navigation for all sites and also a link to an external
link. Moreover, we have given the three subsites modern
apps for photos and tasks and
pages for progress, problems and plans.
In the previous demo, Peter showed how to add
progress messages to the code, so that we can follow
the creation process in the PowerShell ISE console pane.
Now it is time to give each subsite a custom theme. Each
theme name is the same as the department and subsite name:
- Create a theme in Microsoft’s UI Fabric Theme Designer
- Paste the code generated in the UI Fabric Theme
Designer into a new PowerShell function with a variable
that stores the code for the theme.
- Repeat these steps so that the function contains
variables and theme code for all subsites.
- Add the themes to the tenant with the cmdlet Add-PnPTenantTheme.
function Add-Themes(){
$SalesTheme = @{...}
Add-PnPTenantTheme -Identity "Sales" -Palette $SalesTheme -IsInverted $false
$SupportTheme = @{...}
Add-PnPTenantTheme -Identity "Support" -Palette $SupportTheme -IsInverted $false
$ProductionTheme = @{...}
Add-PnPTenantTheme -Identity "Production" -Palette $ProductionTheme -IsInverted $false
Write-Host "Themes
added" -ForegroundColor Green
- Add the themes to the subsites with the cmdlet Set-PnPWebTheme.
foreach($Dep in $Departments){
$CurrWebURL =($URL + "/" + $Dep)
to the department site
Write-Host ("Fixing " + $CurrWebURL + "
... ") -ForegroundColor Yellow
Connect-PnPOnline $CurrWebURL
Set-PnPWebTheme -Theme $Dep
Write-Host ("Done
with " + $CurrWebURL ) -ForegroundColor Green
- Add the Remove-PnPTenantTheme cmdlet to the Remove-All
function Remove-All(){
Connect-PnPOnline $URL
foreach($Dep in $Departments){
Write-Host ("Removing
subsite " + $Dep + "
... ") -ForegroundColor Red
Remove-PnPWeb -Url $Dep -Force
Remove-PnPTenantTheme -Identity $Dep
$AllNodes = Get-PnPNavigationNode -Location QuickLaunch
foreach($Node in $AllNodes){
= $AllNodes[0]
if($Node.Title -eq "Pedalling"){
Remove-PnPNavigationNode -Identity $Node.Id -Force
Write-Host ("Everything
removed") -ForegroundColor Green