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PowerShell with SharePoint from Scratch


PowerShell tutorials for SharePoint with Peter Kalmström

PowerShell with SharePoint from Scratch coverThe kalmstrom.com PowerShell with SharePoint from Scratch tutorials are intended for beginners who need to learn from the basics and for more advanced users who want to polish their PowerShell skills. The tutorials are an extra bonus to the book PowerShell with SharePoint from Scratch, which will be available from Amazon as paperback and e-book in a new edition in Q4 2024. That edition describes PowerShell V7 and VS Code, while the demos are older and use PowerShell V5 and PowerShell ISE. There are some differences in how you start, but after that you can use the scripts shown in this series, as the code is the same.

All demos are recorded by Peter Kalmström, CEO and Systems Designer of kalmstrom.com Business Solutions. He uses Windows 10 and SharePoint Online.

PowerShell with SharePoint from Scratch is intended for SharePoint administrators who know the basics about SharePoint and want to learn more about various ways to automate business processes.

You are of course welcome to browse among the tips articles and watch the demos even if you don't buy the book, but if you don't already know PowerShell well, we recommend that you get the book also. It gives more information and detailed step by step instructions with plenty of images. The colors in the book are the same as in PowerShell ISE.

You can follow the series by using the back and forward arrows at the bottom of each page, or you can browse among the articles from the table of contents below. The book has links to suitable articles directly after sections with connected information.

PowerShell with SharePoint from Scratch tutorials

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