Create a SharePoint Intranet
A PowerShell with SharePoint tutorial
As a last part in our series PowerShell with SharePoint
from Scratch, we will publish some articles and demos where
Peter Kalmström explains how to create an intranet with
three subsites for three departments in a small company.
The root site is a HQ site that we created in an
earlier article. In this article, we will create subsites,
one for each department. All sites are Communication sites,
and they have a common navigation bar on top of each page.
Each department subsite will have its own apps, where team
members are able to share documents, photos, appointments
and tasks. The document library and the events list are
created automatically when PowerShell creates a Communication
subsite, but we will write code that creates the other two
Each subsite will also have its own theme and three site
pages. One of the pages will show a video.
In the demo below, Peter shows how to write PowerShell code
that creates the three subsites - or webs, as they are called
in the SharePoint API. He starts with creating an array
for the three departments.
$Departments = "Sales","Production", "Support"
After that, Peter creates a forEach loop that runs through
the array and creates subsites with the department names.
foreach($Dep in $Departments){
the subsite
New-PnPWeb -Title $Dep -Url $Dep -InheritNavigation -Template SITEPAGEPUBLISHING#0
To find the correct Template ID, Peter uses the site
Peter also shows how to quickly remove all the subsites
with another code sníppet. When you write and test code,
it is important to have a smooth way to remove everything
you have done from SharePoint to start over again. The removal
code also uses a forEach loop and the same array as the
creation code.
foreach($Dep in $Departments){
Remove-PnPWeb -Url $Dep -Force