Upload files to SharePoint Library with Metadata
Structure the Metadata
A PowerShell with SharePoint tutorial
has several methods to
upload files from Windows Explorer to a document library,
but if you want to do it automatically, you should use a
PowerShell script. In earlier articles, we have seen how
do create such a script and how set a task to run it automatically.
In the
previous article, we created a SharePoint document library
with four columns for metadata. This metadata will be taken
from files in a Windows Explorer folder named CVs. The folder
has three subfolders: Hired, Maybe and No. A file's placement
in one of those folders gives us the first keyword.
The files are all named in a consistent way, so the file
names can be used to extract three more keywords for each
file: first name, last name and department. This is done
in PowerShell with the split method.
In the demo below, Peter Kalmström creates a PowerShell
class with four properties. These properties correspond
to the metadata we want to add to SharePoint. Then he creates
an instance of that class for each file and assigns the
properties from the file to it.
Class CV{
$AllCVFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Users\PeterKalmström\Documents\CVs" -Recurse -File
foreach($CVFile in $AllCVFiles){
= $AllCVFiles[0]
$CVObj = New-Object CV
$CVObj.Decision = $CVFile.DirectoryName
$FileNameParts = $CVFile.BaseName -split '
- '
$CVObj.Department = $FileNameParts[1]
$NameParts = $FileNameParts[0] -split ', '
$CVObj.LastName = $NameParts[0]
$CVObj.FirstName = $NameParts[1]
Write-Host (ConvertTo-Csv $CVObj)
In the
next article, we will expand the forEach loop so that
it distributes the metadata into the correct SharePoint
columns when files are uploaded.