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Create a SharePoint List Views Landing Page

A SharePoint Online tutorial by Peter Kalmström

SharePoint iconWhen you build a list on the Issue Tracking Template, only three view links are shown above the list items. The other views are hidden under the ellipsis. To give users an overview of all the list views you can create a landing page that is displayed when they click on the link to the list.

In the demo below Peter Kalmström, CEO and Systems Designer of kalmstrom.com Business Solutions, shows how to create such a landing page with view links for a helpdesk list. In the next demo he will add the Excel pie chart he created from the list data in the previous demo to this landing page.

Create a SharePoint list landing page

  1. Click on the settings gear at the top right and select Add a page.
  2. Give the new page a name and click OK.
  3. When the new page opens, add the view links to it. Peter uses wiki-links, but you can also add the links via the INSERT tab.
  4. Save the page.

When the new page has been created, open Site Contents and then the Site pages. Open the Quick Launch in edit mode and delete the default list link. Drag the landing page from the Site pages to the place where you want a link to the landing page to appear in the Quick Launch. Save the changes. This way users will see all views when they click on the link to the list.

Sometimes the drag and drop does not work, as when Peter created the demo. He therefore shows some other ways to add a landing page link to the Quick Launch and get it to show up where you want it.

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