Word Template

A SharePoint Online tutorial by Peter Kalmström

SharePoint iconIn this tutorial in the SharePoint Online from Scratch series, Peter Kalmström shows how to create a Word template in SharePoint.

There are two ways to create a template. In the demo below Peter is showing a simple way. It is quick, but it only works in the classic interface.

In general Peter recommends to use a content type template instead. That method is a bit more complicated, but it has more benefits and works with the modern interface as well. Additionally, this method does not work in the same way anymore, so the article will be removed as soon as the book SharePoint Online from Scratch has been updated. By keeping the article with this comment, we can reach readers of the current book version with the information.

These are the easy steps to create a Word template:
  1. Go to the Library tab and click on,Library Settings? in the Settings ribbon group.
  2. In the Settings page, click on the link,Advanced settings.
  3. In the Advanced Settings page, click on the link 'Edit Template'.
  4. An External Protocol Request dialog will open.
  5. Click on the Launch Application button.
  6. A Word document will open..
  7. Create your template, and then Save and Close the document.

Now you have a Word template, but it will not open when you click on the '+New' button. Instead, users have to open to the ribbon FILES tab and click on,New Document > New Document.

New document

In the next article we will show another way to have quick access to the template.

Note: the Edit Template link mentioned at 3. above will not be there if you have allowed management of content types in the library. If you have done that, you probably want to use the more advanced template option, refer to our articles about Content Types in SharePoint Online libraries.

Learn more about templates in the Quotes articles!

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