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Create a SharePoint Intranet

App with Many Items

A PowerShell with SharePoint tutorial

PowerShell iconIn the previous demo, Peter Kalmström showed how to create an app with numbers using the PNP.PowerShell Batch functionality. The items with the numbers 1-100 were easily added, but if you want to create an app that has more realistic items, the code gets more complicated. In the demo below, Peter shows how to use the Excel Fill feature to quickly get multiple lines of code. He also uses the Replace feature in Word to facilitate the code creation.

Peter takes his data from an Excel file with sales data. The Excel sheet has 1481 rows and 9 columns. All this data should be imported to a new SharePoint list app called "Data".

Excel data for Batch import

In the script, all columns are imported to Single line of text columns in SharePoint, because there are some advantages to make the change into other column types once the list has been created. For example, choices in Choice columns are taken from the items in that column automatically.

The PowerShell command in this example will sometimes be typed in a row, with semicolon (;) between them. This is to facilitate copying from Excel into Visual Studio Code.

Create Columns

We have already seen how to create an app, so the steps below are for the columns. We will only type in the code for one SharePoint list column in the script, and as the Title column is created automatically with a new list, that column will be created from the second column in the Excel sheet. Then we will use the Excel sheet with the data that should be imported to create the code for the rest of the columns. We will also use Word to get the code from Excel into multiple rows, so that it is easier to read in VS Code.
  1. In VS Code, add a new line for the Year column after the line that creates the "Data" list. (Use single quotes for the names, as the line should be copied to Excel, which uses double quotes to deliminate text.)

    Add-PnPField -List 'Data' -Type Text -AddToDefaultView -InternalName 'Year' -DisplayName 'Year';
  2. Copy the line and paste it in Excel, in the formula field for the top cell to the right of the Amount column, here J1. Add a star sign at the end of the formula, and put double quotes before and after the code.
  3. In the formula, change 'Year' into a relative reference to that cell in Excel, here B1: ="Add-PnPField -List 'Data' -Type Text -AddToDefaultView -InternalName '"&B1&"' -DisplayName '"&B1&"';*" (Learn about Excel references)
  4. Fill out the (cell J1) to the right so that 9 columns get the formula. The reference will change accordingly and pick up the corrent column names.
  5. Copy all the cells with the formula, here J1 to R1, and paste it as text in Word, to make it more readable.
  6. Replace the star sign with a paragraph mark.
  7. Replace the space before Add-PnPField with nothing.
  8. Copy the code from Word and paste it in VS Code.
  9. Run the pasted code to create the list and columns.

Import-Module PnP.PowerShell
connect-pnponline https://m365x61537192.sharepoint.com/sites/BatchImport -Interactive

New-PnPList -Title "Data" -Template GenericList

Add-PnPField -List 'Data' -Type Text -AddToDefaultView -InternalName 'Year' -DisplayName 'Year';
Add-PnPField -List 'Data' -Type Text -AddToDefaultView -InternalName 'Month' -DisplayName 'Month';
Add-PnPField -List 'Data' -Type Text -AddToDefaultView -InternalName 'Week' -DisplayName 'Week';
Add-PnPField -List 'Data' -Type Text -AddToDefaultView -InternalName 'Weekday' -DisplayName 'Weekday';
Add-PnPField -List 'Data' -Type Text -AddToDefaultView -InternalName 'Salesperson' -DisplayName 'Salesperson';
Add-PnPField -List 'Data' -Type Text -AddToDefaultView -InternalName 'Item' -DisplayName 'Item';
Add-PnPField -List 'Data' -Type Text -AddToDefaultView -InternalName 'Distrikt' -DisplayName 'Distrikt';
Add-PnPField -List 'Data' -Type Text -AddToDefaultView -InternalName 'Amount' -DisplayName 'Amount';

Create Items

The SharePoint list items are created from the Excel rows in a similar way as the columns. To get the data into the correct columns, we will use a hashtable variable named Val. A hashtable is a data structure that stores a collection of objects. The data is contained within curly brackets, and the hashtable is indicated by the @ sign immediately before the start curly bracket. Hashtables are most often used for key-value pairs, in this case the column name and the column value.

We will also use a variable for the Batch funtionality, MyBatch.
  1. Declare the variable Val as a hashtable and add a new hashtable with the Title and its value, 1, from the Number column in the Excel sheet. The whole code for creating new list items looks like this:

    $Val =@{};$Val +=@{Title='1'}; Add-PnPListItem -List 'Data' -Values $Val -Batch $MyBatch
  2. Copy the part $Val +=@{Title='1'}; from this line and paste it into the Excel sheet in the cell on the first value row after the last column, in this case J2.
  3. In the formula, change '1' into a reference to that cell in Excel, here A2: ="$Val =@{};$Val +=@{Title='"&A2&"'};"
  4. Fill down the J2 cell so that you get all numbers.
  5. Fill the J2 cell one step to the right. Now you will get the year value, because of the Excel eference change.
  6. Change Title in the hashtable to the reference for the 'Year' column. Lock the reference with a dollar sign: ="$Val +=@{"&B$1 &"='"&B2&"'};"
  7. Fill the cell with the formula, here K2, to the right, here to R2.
  8. Keep the cells selected and fill down. Because of the references, all column names and values will be filled out correctly.
  9. In VS Code, copy the declare variable code,
    $Val =@{};
  10. In Excel, paste the declare variable code in the formula of the first cell in the first value formula row, here J2
  11. In VS Code, copy the last part of the add list item line:
    Add-PnPListItem -List 'Data' -Values $Val
  12. In Excel, add a paste the copied code last in the formula of the last cell in the first value row, here R2.
  13. Add the Batch parameter and the MyBatch variable to the formula, so that the last part becomes:
    Add-PnPListItem -List 'Data' -Values $Val -Batch $MyBatch
  14. Fill down the R2 column.
  15. In VS Code, declare the MyBatch variable to equal New-PnPBatch.
  16. Add an AddData function.
  17. After the function, add a call to the function.
  18. Invoke the MyBatch variable. Now the code for the list items looks like this:

    $Val =@{};$Val +=@{Title='1'}; Add-PnPListItem -List 'Data' -Values $Val;
    $MyBatch = New-PnPBatch
    function AddData(){
    Invoke-PnPBatch $MyBatch 
  19. In Excel, select the cell J2 and use Ctrl+Shift + the down and right arrows to select all the cells that have formulas. Copy the selected cells.
  20. In VS Code, paste all the data copied from Excel into the function, after the start curly bracket.
  21. To add the data to the Batch, run the code part

    $MyBatch = New-PnPBatch
    function AddData(){
  22. Run the last line in the script, Invoke-PnPBatch $MyBatch, to add the items to the list.
The last step is to change colum type for the columns that should not be Single line of text columns.

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