Remove SharePoint Sites
A PowerShell with SharePoint tutorial
previous article, Peter Kalmström created a communication
site, the root site of a site collection, for each of the
departments in an array. He used a forEach loop for the
site creation.
In this article, he will instead use a forEach loop to run
through the same array and remove all the sites. He does
not want to have any confirmation messages, and he does
not want the sites to be sent to the recycling bin.
These are the changes Peter has to make in the forEach loop
that created the sites:
- Replace the progress message text and color.
- Replace the last row before the end curly bracket
with the cmdlet Remove-PnPSite and the parameters Url,
Force and SkipRecycleBin.
foreach($Dep in $Departments){
$SiteURL = "PATH" + $Dep
Write-Host ($SiteURL + "
is being removed ...") -ForegroundColor Red
Remove-PnPTenantSite -Url $SiteURL -Force -SkipRecycleBin