Create or Remove a SharePoint App
A PowerShell with SharePoint tutorial
you use PowerShell, you can use a script to create multiple
apps of the same kind in very short time and remove apps
just as quickly. In the demo below, Peter Kalmström shows
how to do it in a simple way.
In following articles, we show more elaborate, and better,
methods that lets you create multiple SharePoint apps by
just running a SharePoint script, but this article is needed
as a basis.
In PowerShell the apps are called "list" and that also includes
libraries. When you create a list, you can specify which
app template to use, and Peter shows how this is done in
the easiest way.
Peter creates a list called "Hello World List". It is a
generic list with versioning enabled, and it is visible
on the SharePoint Quick launch. To have a user friendly
URL he sets the last part of the URL to "HelloWorld"
New-PnPList -Title "Hello
World List" -Template GenericList -EnableVersioning -OnQuickLaunch -Url "HelloWorld"
In the command that removes the list, Peter adds a parameter
that forces the removal and don't ask for a confirmation.
Remove-PnPList "Hello
World" -Force
In the
article, we will see how apps can be created with a
function. This gives a possibility to create multiple apps
with different names in just one script run.