In the previous
demo, Peter Kalmström, CEO and Systems Designer of
Business Solutions, created two SharePoint lists that will
be used in a recurring tasks powerapp.
this demo, Peter will create a Power Automate flow. The
flow will run through the Task Templates list each morning
and create instances of the tasks for the current date in
the Tasks to Do list. The flow will also update the Next
Date column in the Task Templates list.
If you are not familiar with Power Automate already, I recommend
that you study Peter's book
SharePoint Flows from Scratch.
Create a scheduled cloud flow that runs every morning.
Initialize the string variable CurrentTemplateNextDate.
Add a SharePoint action to Get items from the Task
Templates list. To avoid warnings from Power Automate,
enter a Filter Query that returns all items: ID=0
Set the variable CurrentTemplateNextDate to the
value in the Next Date column. A loop will be created
Add a condition: the variable CurrentTemplateNextDate
contains the current date (the expression "substring(utcNow(),0,10)")
If yes, create a en item in the Tasks To Do list.
Add the dynamic content for the Title and set the Done
field to No.
Still under I yes, update the item in the Task Templates
list with a new date in the Next Date column: the expression
Add the dynamic content for ID in the Id field.
In the
next demo, Peter will create a phone powerapp, so that
users can easily manage the tasks and set them to finished.
Learn more
Software that enhances SharePoint
Kanban Task Manager Visualize and co-operate on projects and tasks in SharePoint
and/or Outlook
Pivot Explorer Visualize and analyze list data in SharePoint
Templates Manager
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