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Create an App for Recurring Tasks 3

Model-Driven App

In the previous demo, Peter Kalmström, CEO and Systems Designer of kalmstrom.com Business Solutions, created a flow that each morning runs through the Templates Dataverse table in the Recurring Tasks solution and create instances of the tasks for the current date in the Daily Tasks table in the same solution.

Microsoft Power Apps iconIn this demo, Peter will create a model-driven powerapp from the Daily Tasks Dataverse table.

As you might see in the demo, Peter starts from Power Automate. He was creating a flow in the previous step, so now he just continues by selecting Solutions in the Power Automate menu. The Power Apps menu has the same entry in the left hand menu, so it does not matter from where you open the Recurring Tasks solution.


  1. Open the Recurring Tasks solution in Power Apps or Power Automate.
  2. Create a new model-driven app: Tasks To Do.
  3. Add a page based on the Dataverse table Daily Tasks to the app.
  4. Open the Daily Tasks table >Views >Active Tasks and decide which columns should be visible.
  5. Publish the modified view.
  6. Open the Daily Tasks table >Forms >Main form and decide which columns should be visible.
  7. Test the modified form.
  8. Save and Publish the app
Peter also adds a Yes/No "Done" column to the Daily Tasks table, so that app users can set their tasks to completed directly in the app. Then he shows how to include the new column in the already published and shared app.
  1. Add the Done column to the Active Tasks view.
  2. Add a filter in the Active Tasks view: Done does not equal Yes.
  3. Publish the modified view.
  4. Add the Done column to the Daily Tasks Main form.
  5. Modify the form to have two columns and drag the fields to a suitable layout.

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