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Create an App for Recurring Tasks 2

Power Automate Flow

In the previous demo, Peter Kalmström, CEO and Systems Designer of kalmstrom.com Business Solutions, created two Dataverse tables that will be used in a recurring tasks app.

Microsoft Flow iconIn this demo, Peter will create a Power Automate flow. The flow will run through the Templates table each morning and create instances of the tasks for the current date in the Daily Tasks table.

If you are not familiar with Power Automate already, we recommend that you study Peter's book SharePoint Flows from Scratch.


  1. Create a scheduled cloud flow.
  2. Create a Dataverse List rows action for the Templates table. Filter it to only show rows where the 'Next' column is empty.
  3. Initialize the integer variable TemplateFrequency.
  4. Set the variable TemplateFrequency to the value of the data found by the Dataverse List rows action. A loop will be created automatically.
  5. Inside the loop, create a Decrement Variable action that takes away 1 from the TemplateFrequency variable.
  6. Still inside the loop, create a Dataverse Update row action that sets the value in each 'Next' column in the Templates table to the next appropriate date for the recurring task.
  7. Create a Dataverse List rows action for the Templates table. Filter it to only show rows where the 'Next' column has today's date.
  8. Create a Dataverse Add new row action for the Daily Tasks table. Add the task name and the description from the previous action. A loop will be created automatically.
  9. Inside the loop, create a Dataverse Update a row action for the Templates table to empty the 'Next' columns that were populated in the earlier Update row action.

In the next demo, Peter will create a form, so that users can easily manage the tasks and set them to finished.

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