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Create an Excel team calendar

An Excel tutorial by Peter Kalmstrom

Excel iconA team calendar can be created in several ways and on different platforms. One option is to use Excel, and Excel has a lot of inbuilt calendar templates.

You can also create a custom Excel calendar, and that is what Peter Kalmstrom, kalmstrom.com CEO and Systems Designer, shows in the demo below. He also gives some tips on how you can enhance the look of the calendar.

This is the process:
  1. Enter the names of the team members in the A column, from A3 and down.
  2. Add the date of the first day of the year in the B1 cell.
  3. In C1, enter =B1+1.
  4. Fill out to AF1, which then will show day 31 in the month.
  5. Double-click between the columns to adapt the cell size to the content.
  6. In the cell B2, enter =B1 and fill out the row to AF2.
  7. Select the first row and give the numbers the custom format ddd, which shows the three first letters of the weekday.
  8. Select the second row and give the numbers the custom format d or dd, which shows the day number.
  9. Make any design changes that should be used for all months, like remove the cells that are not needed or draw lines to separate the date cells and the cells with the staff names from the actual calendar cells.
  10. Rename the sheet to "Template".
  11. Drag the Template tab to the right, to create a new sheet, and rename the new sheet "January 2018".
  12. Repeat 11 for each month.

When team members fill out their events, they can use Excel features as color coding and copy and merge cells.

Place the Excel file in a fileshare to share the calendar. Another option is to insert the Excel calendar in a classic SharePoint page.

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