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Insert an Excel team calendar in SharePoint

A SharePoint tutorial by Peter Kalmstrom

Excel iconA SharePoint team site has its own calendar, but the team can also share an Excel calendar via SharePoint. As it can be color coded in Excel, it will look better than the inbuilt SharePoint calendar, even if it does not have SharePoint features like version history and alerts.

Each team member with contribute permission over the site can edit the calendar, either in Excel or in Excel Online.

In another article Peter Kalmstrom, kalmstrom.com CEO and Systems Designer, shows how to create the Excel team calendar that he uses in the demo below.

Here Peter inserts the Excel calendar in the Excel Web Access web part in a classic SharePoint page. For a modern page, use the SharePoint File viewer web part.

Insert an Excel calendar in an Excel Web Access web part in a classic SharePoint page:
  1. Save the Excel calendar to the SharePoint site where you want to share it.
  2. Define how much of the workbook should be displayed in SharePoint.
  3. Open the SharePoint page where you want to place the calendar in edit mode and insert the Excel Web Access web part.
  4. In the web part tool pane, set the web part to use the Excel calendar.

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