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Embed a YouTube video in a SharePoint site

A SharePoint tutorial by Peter Kalmstrom

In this demo the kalmstrom.com CEO Peter Kalmstrom shows how to embed a YouTube video in a SharePoint 2010 site. You cannot just paste the embed code into the SharePoint HTML but have to add a Web Part first. 

In SharePoint 2013 it is easier, see below.

Here are the steps for SharePoint 2010:
  1. Open SharePoint in Edit mode
  2. Fetch embed code from YouTube
  3. Insert the Content Editor Web Part.
  4. Paste the code in the Web Part HTML
  5. Save.

Steps for SharePoint 2013:
  1. Open SharePoint in Edit mode
  2. Fetch embed code from YouTube
  3. Click on one of the buttons "Video and Audio" or "Embed Code" under the Insert tab.

    Web part Insert tab

  4. Paste the embed code.
  5. Save.

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