SharePoint site is an excellent platform for sharing and
storage of documents, but when document libraries grow big
it is often difficult to get an overview of the documents
and find the right one. That problem often occur because
the files don't have relevant metadata.
The kalmstrom.com team has developed a solution to the problem
of finding the relevant information in SharePoint document
libraries: Document Tagger. It comes in two editions:
sandboxed solution and add-in.
Document Tagger takes care of the tedious task
To manually tag documents with keywords is both boring and
time consuming, so often people avoid doing it or do it
inconsistently. Now Document Tagger can analyze
your text(s) and suggest keywords and metadata to tag them
Document Tagger gives full control
No metadata is added until you have had a chance to approve
of the suggestions.
Select one or many files in a SharePoint document
on the 'Tag Document' button, (added by Document
Tagger at installation).
Document Tagger sends the file(s) to the
language processing service, which in a few seconds,
suggests tags/keywords based on the text in your document(s).
The 15 top keywords will be suggested for each file.
Evaluate the quality of the keywords, remove those
that are not relevant and maybe add some of your own.
Click on 'Apply tags'.
The tags are now added to the document and also
to the tenant's/farm's
Enterprise Keywords.
Document Tagger supports DOCX, PDF, PPTX,TXT,
and XLSX files.
Third party language processor
The text analysis itself is not made by kalmstrom.com Business
Solutions or Document Tagger but by the
Google Cloud Natural Language service.
Thus, Document Tagger sends data from the user's
SharePoint to Google Cloud and back again. The process is
secure, and the file content is purged immediately after
the metadata extraction.