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Create a List in SharePoint Designer 2013

A SharePoint Workflows tutorial by Peter Kalmström

SharePoint Designer iconInstead of creating new lists in the web browser interface you can use SharePoint Designer 2013. It is quicker and saves you some clicks and loading of new pages.

In the demo below Peter Kalmström, CEO and Systems Designer of kalmstrom.com Business Solutions, shows how to create a new Contacts list in SharePoint Designer 2013.

Create a list in SharePoint Designer

  1. In SharePoint Designer, click on 'Open Site'.
  2. Paste or write in the URL to the site where you want to create a new list. Note that only the first part of the URL you see when you open the site should be entered.
  3. Click on 'Open'.
  4. Click on the SharePoint List button in the ribbon.
  5. Select the list type you want to use.
  6. Give the list a name (and a description) and click OK.

Now the list options are shown on the SharePoint Designer summary page, and you can customize your list more quickly than in SharePoint. You can select settings options and add, remove and edit columns.

When you have the list open in SharePoint Designer you can preview the list in the browser by pressing F12 on the keyboard or using the preview button above the ribbon.

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