Create a Phone Messages List

A SharePoint Online tutorial by Peter Kalmström

SharePoint iconUse SharePoint to automate the distribution of phone messages within an organization. This is the second article in a series.

In the demo below Peter Kalmstrom, CEO and Systems Designer of Business Solutions, shows how to create a simple SharePoint list app for phone messages, a list that can satisfy a small company or a limited number of users. (In later articles we will show a more advanced solution that will work over many site collections in a SharePoint tenancy or farm.)

Create a simple phone messages list app

  1. Click on the settings gear and select 'Add an app'.
  2. Click on the Custom List icon.
  3. Give the list a name and click on Create.
  4. (The list will now show up under Recent in the Quick Launch. Click on EDIT LINKS and drag the new list out of Recent.)
  5. Open the LIST tab and click on the List Settings button.
  6. Open the Title column and rename it to another single line of text field, like Caller phone number. Click OK
  7. Click on the Create column link in the List Settings to create a single line of text column for Caller name.
  8. Create a People or Group column for the called person
  9. Create a Yes/No column for Returned and set the default value to No.

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