Add a Links App

A SharePoint Online tutorial by Peter Kalmström

SharePoint iconYou can add links to a SharePoint page, but a rather nice way of doing this is to add a list that is designed for links and place the links there.

In this Links tutorial, Peter Kalmström, shows how to add a Links app to a page and work with this links list in SharePoint Online.

Create a links app

  1. Open the settings gear and click on Add an app.
  2. Find the app called Links and click on it.
  3. Type the name you want to give to your links app and click on Create.

Add the links app in a table on a SharePoint wiki page

  1. Click on Edit on the top right of the page. The page will open in edit mode.
  2. Place the mouse cursor where you want to add the table.
  3. Open the INSERT tab and expand the Table accordion.
  4. Select the table size two columns and one row.
  5. Place the mouse cursor in the right column of the table, open the INSERT tab and click on Web Part.
  6. Under Apps, select your newly created links app and click on Add.
  7. Save the page.

Add links to the links app

  1. In your new web part, click on new link.
  2. Enter the address in the URL field and give it a suitable description.
  3. Click on Save.
In this demo Peter is also showing how to make his links app visually more appealing.

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