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Analyze List Data with Totals and Excel Export

A SharePoint Online tutorial by Peter Kalmström

SharePoint iconIn an earlier article we showed how to create a Hours Worked column in a modified SharePoint Issue Tracking list. When you have such a column you of course want to analyze the data in it, and we will look at a few ways to do that in this and the following articles.

In the demo below Peter Kalmström, CEO and Systems Designer of kalmstrom.com Business Solutions, shows how to add a Total to a list column. For a more detailed explanation, refer to an earlier article about Column Totals.

Peter also shows how to export a list to Excel and how to visualize data with the Excel Quick Analysis feature.

Export a SharePoint list to Excel

It is very useful to export SharePoint lists to Excel to take advantage of Excel's capacity for analysis and visualization. You should however be aware that data can only be changed in SharePoint. Any changes you make in the SharePoint list will be reflected in Excel, but it is not vice versa.

All the columns of the SharePoint view you export will be included and visible in Excel. You will also have two extra columns, Item Type and Path.

Steps to Export a SharePoint list to Excel:
  1. In the SharePoint list, click on the Export to Excel button under the LIST tab in
    the ribbon.
  2. Click OK and Enable to the warning messages.
  3. Select how you want to view the data in Excel. Peter chooses the default option, Table.
Now you can start using the Excel analysis tools on your data. Peter shows how to use the Quick Analysis bars, and he will show more in next demo.

If you want to learn more about analysis and visualization in Excel, please refer to our Tips series Excel from Scratch.

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