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Create a Document Set Content Type

A SharePoint Online tutorial by Peter Kalmström

SharePoint iconNOTE: Document Set content types are no longer supported in SharePoint Online.

Within an organization you often create different kinds of documents when working on projects. With a document set you can have such documents organized in one single view. If you plan to use folders for such documents we recommend you to study document sets first, because in many ways that is a better option.

When you create a new item in a library that uses a document set, you will have the specified set of documents created automatically. Their names will be the name of the item + the name of the template. The responsible users can just open and edit them.

SharePoint document set

In the demo below Peter Kalmstrom, CEO and Systems Designer of kalmstrom.com Business Solutions, how to create a new document set content type, and in the next demo he explains how to use it.

Create a Document Set Content Type

  1. Click on the settings gear and select Site settings.
  2. Under Web Designer Galleries, click on the link 'Site content types'.
  3. Click on the Create button.
  4. Create a content type that builds on the Document Set Content Types.
  5. Add a name and select or create a group for the content type before you click OK.
  6. Click on the new link 'Document Set settings' in the Site Content Type page.
  7. At Default Content, add the templates you want to use in this document set.
  8. Add the site columns you prefer.

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