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Create a Word Template for a Content Type

A SharePoint Online tutorial by Peter Kalmström

SharePoint iconIn the previous articles we have shown how to create a Quote content type and connect the content type to a SharePoint library. This has the advantage of giving just one option when users create new documents: a document with the content type columns will open in Word.

The metadata columns will however only be visible in the document's properties. To include them in the document body and make it easy for users to add metadata, you need to create a template.

In the demo below Peter Kalmström, CEO and Systems Designer of kalmstrom.com Business Solutions, shows how to create such a template with content type columns.

Create a Word template to be used with a content type

  1. Create a new document in a library that uses the content type.
  2. Open the document in the desktop app and save it to your PC so that you can edit it. (The Internet Explorer workaround that Peter uses in the demo is no longer possible.)
  3. Insert a table with two columns and as many rows as you have metadata columns in the content type + one more row for the title.
  4. Enter the column labels in the cells of the left column.
  5. Place the mouse cursor in the first row of the right column. Open the Quick Part under the INSERT tab and select Document Property and then Title.

    Word Properties
  6. Repeat step 4 for each row and select the other metadata columns.
  7. Save the document as a docx or dotx file.

Add the Word template to the library

  1. In the SharePoint library, use the modern interface and open the + New command. Select + Add template.
  2. Upload the template you created.
Now the template will be possible to select when you create a new document in the library. To remove other possibilities, delete the default content type(s) from the library.

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