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Connect Web Parts to Show Choice

A SharePoint Online tutorial by Peter Kalmström

SharePoint iconSharePoint web parts and app parts are very useful, and if you have followed this series you have already learned how to use several different kinds of web parts. Here we will look at how web parts can be connected.

Note a list web part or app part cannot be connected to another web part if the default view of the list is the Datasheet/Quick Edit mode. It has to be the Standard view.

In the demo below Peter Kalmström, CEO and Systems Designer of kalmstrom.com Business Solutions, uses a Customers list where country is one of the metadata. He adds it in a web part on a page where he also adds a Choice Filter web part.

In the Choice Filter web part Peter can add the same country alternatives as in the Customers list. Therefore, when he connects the two web parts users can select a country in one web part and see all customers in that country displayed in the other web part.

Connect web parts to show filter choices by selection

  1. Click on the settings gear and select 'Add a page'.
  2. Give the page a name and click on Create. The new page opens in Edit mode.
  3. Place the mouse cursor where you want the Customers list to be displayed and click on the Web Part button under the INSERT tab.
  4. Select the Customers list and click on Add.
  5. Place the mouse cursor where you want the Choice Filter web part to be displayed and click on the Web Part button under the INSERT tab.
  6. Select the Choice Filter web part in the Filters category and click on Add.
  7. In the Choice Filter web part, either click on the Web Part Properties button under the WEB PART tab or expand the accordion in the top right corner of the web part and select 'Edit Web Part'.
  8. Enter your choice alternatives in the right panel.
  9. Expand the accordion in the top right corner of the Choice Filter web part and select Connections >Send Filter Values To >Customers.
  10. In the pop-up window, select to get filter values from Country.
  11. Click on Finish and save the page.

It is sometimes difficult to get web parts on the right place, but you can minimize them and drag and drop them to the positions you prefer. Peter shows how to do that in the demo.

Peter also shows a quick way to get the filter values. As he has the same options in the Customers list, he can edit the column, copy the alternatives from the Choice field and paste them into the Choice Filter web part.

In the two following articles we will show other ways to filter customers by country.

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