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Remove Enterprise Keywords

A SharePoint Online tutorial by Peter Kalmström

SharePoint iconIn the previous article, Peter Kalmström, CEO and Systems Designer of kalmstrom.com Business Solutions, showed how to categorize document library files with Enterprise Keywords.

To add the Enterprise Keywords column you just check a box in the library settings, but you cannot remove the column by unchecking the same box.

Of course you can still remove the column from any library views, but when you open the properties of a file the column will be there.

In the demo below Peter shows how to remove the Enterprise Keywords column altogether. it is not difficult once you know how to do it!

Remove the Enterprise Keywords column from a SharePoint document library

  1. Open the Library settings.
  2. Find the Enterprise Metadata link under Columns.
  3. Click on the Enterprise Metadata link to edit the column.
  4. Click on the Delete button.
  5. Click OK to confirm that you want to remove the column.
Now the Enterprise keywords are not visible at all in the library, but they are still there in the Term Store. If you want to remove them totally you must delete them from the Term Store also. How to do this is described in the previous article.

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