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Remove SharePoint Items from Canvas App

Remove One Item

Microsoft Power Apps iconIn the previous demos, Peter Kalmström, CEO and Systems Designer of kalmstrom.com Business Solutions, showed three methods for creating new items in a canvas app built on a SharePoint list.

In the demo below, Peter instead shows how to add a button that removes items from the list.

The app Peter uses in the demo is the same as in earlier demos about the recurring tasks app, but the aim here is just to show the formula for removal of SharePoint items from an app.

For this exercise, Peter just adds a new button, and adds three formulas to the button, for removal, notification and navigation.
  • The Remove function takes two arguments, the name of the SharePoint list and the item that was selected in the gallery, so Peter's formula is: Remove('Tasks To Do', galTasksToDo.Selected).
  • The Notify function takes the argument message, and Peter also uses the notification type Success: Notify:"Task removed. You can restore it from the SharePoint Recycle Bin",NotificationType.Success).
  • The Navigate function, takes the user back to the TasksList screen (which has the TasksToDo gallery). Peter uses the cover transition: Navigate(TasksList,ScreenTransition.Cover).

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