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Create a Powerapp for Recurring SharePoint Tasks

A tutorial by Peter Kalmström

Microsoft Power Apps iconIn the previous article Peter Kalmström, CEO and Systems Designer of kalmstrom.com Business Solutions, created a Power Automate flow that runs through a SharePoint Task Templates list each morning and creates instances of the tasks for the current date in a Tasks to Do list.

In the demo below, Peter describes how to create a powerapp that shows the unfinished tasks for the current date. With this app, users can see today's tasks set them to Done directly in their mobiles.

Create a Tasks To Do powerapp

  1. In the Power Automate site, create a blank canvas gallery app and connect it to the SharePoint Tasks To Do list.
  2. Show only the Title, and insert a Text label, "Tasks To Do".
  3. Add a toggle and set its value to the same as the Done column in the SharePoint Tasks To Do list. The toggle is automatically called Toggle1.
  4. Add a Refresh icon and set it to refresh the app with data from the SharePoint Tasks To Do list.
  5. To save app actions back to the SharePoint Tasks To Do list, select Onselect and set the toggle to update the Done column in theSharePoint Tasks To Do list with the value of the current item: Patch('Tasks To Do',ThisItem,{Done:Toggle1.value}).
  6. Add another action in the formula bar to notify that the new value is saved: Notify("Task Saved").
  7. Filter the gallery so that only unfinished tasks are displayed in the app: Filter('Tasks To Do',Done=false).

In the next article we will enhance the powerapp with a Search feature.

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