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Add an Instructions Screen to the Recurring Tasks Powerapp

A tutorial by Peter Kalmström

Microsoft Power Apps iconIn the previous article Peter Kalmström, CEO and Systems Designer of kalmstrom.com Business Solutions, added a Search field to the Tasks To Do powerapp.

In the demo below, Peter describes how to add a powerapp screen that shows the instructions for each task. But before he can enhance the powerapp, he needs to:
  1. Add Instructions columns to the Tasks Templates and Tasks To Do SharePoint lists.
  2. Update the flow's Create item action with the Instructions column from the Tasks Templates list.

Add Instructions to the Tasks To Do powerapp

  1. Make the NextArrow icon visible.
  2. Insert a new Form screen and call it TaskDetailsScreen.
  3. Connect the new screen to the Tasks To Do list. It will now be populated with fields.
  4. Edit the new screen and remove the Attachments field. Set the Title field to View text and the Instructions field to View rich text.
  5. Set the Cancel icon to navigate to the main screen, the tasks list.
  6. Set the NextArrow icon to navigate to the TaskDetails screen and show the selected item.
  7. Set the Submit icon to not only submit the changes but also go back to the main screen.

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