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Create a Powerapp Survey based on SharePoint


Microsoft Power Apps iconIn the previous demo, Peter Kalmström, CEO and Systems Designer of kalmstrom.com Business Solutions, showed how to build the user interface for the survey in Power Apps.

Here, Peter continues the series on how to create a powerapp survey with a demonstration on how to add a slider to data cards with questions that need a numerical answer.


  1. In Power Apps Studio, make the value field in the form invisible.
  2. Insert a Slider below the key field. It gets the default name Slider1.
  3. Set the max. and min. and default values. Parent.Default will not work for a slider, because it must have a value. (Peter sets it to 5 at the end of the demo.)
  4. Under Advanced in the Properties pane, set the data card Update value to Slider1.Value.
  5. Publish and test in SharePoint.
  6. Copy the slider and paste it in the next data card that requires a numerical value as an answer.
  7. Rename the pasted slider to Slider2 and change the formula in the data card, under Update, to Slider2.Value.
  8. Continue in the same way with all questions/data cards that need the slider.

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