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Create a Powerapp Survey based on SharePoint

Power Apps User Interface

Microsoft Power Apps iconIn the previous demo, Peter Kalmström, CEO and Systems Designer of kalmstrom.com Business Solutions, showed how to take data from a website and use it as column names in a SharePoint list.

Here, Peter continues the series on how to create a powerapp survey with a demonstration on how to build the user interface in Power Apps.


  1. In the SharePoint list, select Integrate >Power Apps >Customize forms.
  2. In Power Apps Studio, add the missing fields, one at a time to get them in the correct order.
  3. Insert Next and Back arrows below the form in the screen.
  4. Insert a label for progress between the arrows.
  5. Set a variable for the App Onstart: Set(CurrentQuestionNumber,1).
  6. Run the Onstart variable.
  7. Select all data cards except the Title and create a filter formula for their Visible property: StartsWith(Self.DisplayName, CurrentQuestionNumber&".")
  8. Modify the variable when the Back arrow is selected: Set(CurrentQuestionNumber,CurrentQuestionNumber-1).
  9. Modify the variable when the Next arrow is selected: Set(CurrentQuestionNumber,CurrentQuestionNumber+1).
  10. Set the form to New mode.

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