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Create New SharePoint Items from Canvas App

Collection for Batch Addition of New Items

Microsoft Power Apps iconIn previous demos, Peter Kalmström, CEO and Systems Designer of kalmstrom.com Business Solutions, has shown two methods for creating new items in a canvas app built on a SharePoint list.

In the demo below, Peter shows how to create multiple new items from a collection with just one tap on a button.

The app Peter uses in the demo is the same as in earlier demos about the recurring tasks app, but the aim here is just to show ways to create new SharePoint items from an app.

For this exercise, Peter just adds a new button, and the OnSelect formula for that button will create the new items.

Build formula

  1. Enter the Collect function.
  2. Name the new collection.
  3. Add a column name from the SharePoint list as an object. Peter uses the Title.
  4. Inside the object and after colon, add a column value within quotation marks.
  5. Type a semicolon after the object and the last function parenthesis.
  6. The formula in Peter's demo now looks like this: Collect(NewTasks, {Title:"Test 6"});
  7. Copy the formula and paste it below the first formula in the formula bar. Peter pastes the formula five times, for five new objects.
  8. Change the values, so that they become different.
  9. Add a Patch function wth the arguments of the SharePoint list and the collection: Patch('Tasks To Do',NewTasks)

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