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The Dataverse Publishing and Auditing Features

A tutorial by Peter Kalmström

Microsoft Dataverse iconIn the previous demos we have used SharePoint as data source for the powerapps we created, and we started building the powerapps from within SharePoint.

Now we will instead start from the Power Apps site and use Dataverse as the data source. In the demo below, Peter Kalmström, CEO and Systems Designer of kalmstrom.com Business Solutions, shows how to create a solution and add a Dataverse table to it.

This demo focuses on some initial settings that Peter recommends when building a powerapp that is contained in a solution. The data in this app is fetched from the data store Dataverse, which is included in the Power Platform. More tutorials on how to create powerapps from data stored in Dataverse will be published later in 2022.


Publisher name and prefix are set in the Power Apps site (make.powerapps.com) under Solutions >Publishers. Select a publisher when you create a new solution, and that publisher's specific prefix will be added to all object names in the solution.


Auditing is enabled for the environment in the Power Platform Admin center >Environments >Settings >Audit and logs >Audit settings.

When that is done, you can set data changes to be audited for each Dataverse table.

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