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Dataverse-Excel Roundtripping

Roundtrip Data in Dataverse and Excel

Microsoft Dataverse iconPeter Kalmström, CEO and Systems Designer of kalmstrom.com Business Solutions, shows a useful but rather hidden feature in the Dataverse development environment: Edit in Excel.

With this feature you can update data in either Excel or Dataverse, and everything will be synchronized when data is published.

The first time you open a Dataverse table in Excel you need to establish the connection between Excel and Dataverse. Then you can make any changes and publish them to Dataverse. Peter has tried the feature on huge data sets, and it works very well.

Edit in Excel dropdown in Dataverse

This feature can also be used to quickly get Excel data into Dataverse:
  1. Microsoft Excel iconOpen the Dataverse table in Excel.
  2. Paste the data you want to add to Dataverse into the Excel table.
  3. Publish the Excel table to Dataverse.

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