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Add Comments and Images to the Recurring Tasks Solution

An Excel tutorial by Peter Kalmström

Excel iconIn several earlier demos, Peter Kalmström has showed how to create an Excel/Power Apps solution for Recurring Tasks management. Here, Peter shows how to give app users a possibility to add an image and a comment before they submit the performed task.

To make this work, Peter inserts two new Text columns in the Tasks table: Comment and Picture. The comments from the app are of course added directly to the Tasks table, but the images are stored in a SharePoint library.

More extensive changes are made to the TypeScript script in Excel and to the app i Power Apps. A Power Automate flow uploads the app images to SharePoint and adds their URLs in Exel.

In the next demo Peter will show how to make the image URLs clickable in Excel. He will also describe how to add the two new columns to the TasksArchive table.


In the AddTasks script, the two new columns must be added to the Template class, to be included when new instances are created in the Tasks table. The cells should be empty, as their values will come from the app.
  1. In the ToNewTaskArray method, copy the Done At row (or another row with an empty string) and paste it twice below the Due Date row.
  2. Change the comment text in the pasted rows to Comment and Picture.
  3. Now the modified method will look like this:

    public ToNewTaskArray(): Array<string> {
        let NewArray: Array<string> = [];
        NewArray.push(new Date().getTime().toString()); //ID
        NewArray.push(new Date().toISOString().substring(0, 10)); //Date
        NewArray.push(""); //Status
        NewArray.push(""); //Done By
        NewArray.push(""); //Done At
        NewArray.push("0"); //Minutes Worked
        NewArray.push(this.NexDueDateIso); //Due Date
        NewArray.push(""); //Comment
        NewArray.push(""); //Picture
        return NewArray;
  4. In the AddAsTask method, change the filling range of the non-formula cells from A-H to A-J:

    const NonFormulaCells = WB.getWorksheet("Tasks").getRange("A" + LastRow.getRowIndex() + ":J" + LastRow.getRowIndex());


In the Power Apps Studio, Peter creates a new screen and changes how data is submitted to Excel - and now also to SharePoint. The bold names will be used in code.

PhotoAndComments Screen

Peter adds a third screen with controls for adding an image, typing a comment and submitting the data.
    The photo and comment screen in the Open Recurring Tasks app
  1. Add ta new blank screen to the app:  PhotoAndComment.
  2. Insert an Add picture control in the new screen. Rename the button to btnAddImage and the image container to TaskImage.
  3. Insert a Text label below the Add Picture control and change the label text to Comment.
  4. Insert a Text input control below the label and rename it to TaskComment.
  5. Expand the Text input control and change its mode to Multiline. Remove the Text input text but keep the double quotes, so that the default is blank.
  6. Insert a button below the Text input control. Change its text to Submit.

App OnStart

Peter adds variables that run when the app starts.
  1. Select the App and its OnStart property.
  2. Create three variables. THey will be used to reset the image, to store the file name and to store the selected minutes worked value:
  3. Run the OnStart code.

MinutesWorked Screen

Earlier, the buttons on the MinutesWorked screen submitted the data and took the user back to the start screen. Now the PhotoAndComment screen should be displayed instead, and the minutes worked that the user selected will be saved in the TaskMinutesWorked variable. The Submit code will be moved to the PhotoAndComment screen.
  1. Select the gallery template.
  2. Change the first argument of the Navigate function to PhotoAndComment: Navigate(PhotoAndComment);
  3. Above the Navigation function, set the TaskMinutesWorked variable to the selected value: Set(TaskMinutesWorked,ThisItem.Minutes);
  4. In the Patch function, change the Minutes Worked value to the variable: 'Minutes Worked':TaskMinutesWorked
  5. Select all code above the variable and cut it.

PhotoAndComments Screen

The Submit button in the PhotoAndComments screen must have a formula that sends all data to Excel. The image should also be saved to the SharePoint library.
  1. Select the Submit button and its OnSelect property.
  2. Paste the code that was cut from the MinutesWorked screen over the default false value.
  3. Refresh the data source, to get the new columns in the Excel Tasks table to the app.
  4. Select the Submit button and add the two new columns to the Patch function:
    Comment:TaskComment.Text and Picture:TaskFileName.
  5. After the Patch function, add a Reset function for the comment text: Reset(TaskComment);
  6. To Reset the image container, first set the button's Reset property to the variable ImgBlank. Then, in the Submit button code, set the variable first to false, so that an image can be included, and then to true so that the container becomes blank again.
  7. Navigate function to take the user back to the first screen after submission.: Navigate(OpenRecurringTasks);


The Add picture control works for uploading images to the app, but a flow is necessary to upload the image to SharePoint and add the URL in Excel. Peter uses the encoding method Base64 to transfer the binary image data into text that can easily can be embedded in the SharePoint library.
  1. Click on the Power Automate icon in the Power Apps Authoring menu and Add and instant flow.
  2. Click on Create new flow and select a blank flow. The flow opens in edit mode in Power Automate.
  3. Enter the Text inputs Base64Image and Filename.

    The Power Apps action in Power Automate
  4. Initialize a string variable, to clean up the Base64. Call it CleanedBase64.
  5. Use the dynamic content for Base64 to build a value expression that splits it at the comma (Base64 has a starter part and a body, divided by a comma) and takes only the body part. Remove the double quotes in the string by replacing them with nothing in the whole expression: replace(split(triggerBody()['text_1'],',')[1],'"',‘’)

    Initialize a Base64 variable in the Power Apps flow
  6. Add another step: SharePoint, create file.
  7. Select the Site and the Folder(=the library name).
  8. Enter the File name as dynamic content.
  9. Build an expression for the File content. Use the Base24ToBuinary function and add the dynamic content for the variable as argument: base64ToBinary(variables('CleanedBase64'))

    Create an image file in SharePoint with the Power Apps flow
  10. Name the flow SaveTaskImage and Save it.

App, PhotoAndComments Screen

When the flow is saved and loaded to the app, the Submit button code must be modified so that all data and the image URL is sent to Excel and the images are uploaded to SharePoint.
  1. Use an If statement with IsBlank to set the file name to blank if the statement is true, that is, if there is no image:
    If(IsBlank(TaskImage.Image), Set(TaskFileName,"");
  2. If the statement is false, and there is an image, it should be named after the ID of the selected task. Use the Concatenate function to make the multiple strings in the file name appear continuous, and find the extension of the uploaded file:
  3. To send the image to SharePoint, call and run the flow and send in the JSON of the selected image:
  4. To get the file name to SharePoint, Set the file name again and hard-code the URL to the SharePoint library:
    Set(TaskFileName, Concatenate("[URL]/",TaskFileName));

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