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Action Recorder

An Excel tutorial by Peter Kalmström

Excel iconThe Excel Action Recorder, lets you create a script even if you don't have any programming experience. Instead of typing code, you can record the action you want to automate, and Excel will create the skript for you.

In the demo below, Peter Kalmström shows how you can record a "Refresh All" action with the Action Recorder to get a script for the automation. He chooses the default button option when adding the script to the workbook, so each time a user clicks on the button, the action will be performed.

Right-click to select the button to move it, or to open a dropdown menu with other options.

At the end of the demo, Peter also explains shortly how you can work directly with TypeScript code in the Code Editor, but he will show much more of that in the following videos in this Automate-series.
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