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SharePoint Workflows from Scratch

SharePoint Workflows from Scratch coverIn SharePoint Workflows from Scratch, Peter Kalmström explains how workflows can be used to automate SharePoint business processes. The book is intended for SharePoint admins and other users who already know the basics of SharePoint.

SharePoint Workflows from Scratch has several parts. After giving general automation information, Peter describes how the few built-in SharePoint workflows can be used. Then he continues with SharePoint Designer and explains the basics of workflow building with this application.

The major part of the book consists of example workflows for common business processes, from basic workflows to more advanced ones. Use them for practice or as templates for your own workflows.

The example workflows are gathered in chapters that sometimes have more than one workflow, when Peter gives several options on how to achieve the automation goal. Each chapter has one or several theory sections connected to the current workflow that further expands the knowledge given in the book's earlier  chapters.

SharePoint Workflows from Scratch has multiple links to kalmstrom.com Tips articles with video demonstrations. These articles give explanations in other ways and make the learning more varied.

SharePoint Workflows from Scratch
is available on Amazon, as e-book and paperback.

From an Amazon review: "It's not easy to find such high-quality, complete instruction on how to create workflows for SharePoint 2013/2010...and these versions are still in use in a lot of organizations.

SharePoint Workflows from Scratch is easy to read. The pace is perfect for the designer or developer who is well-acquainted enough with how lists and libraries work in SharePoint, and how to recognize a scenario where a workflow created using SharePoint designer would be helpful.

The examples contained in the book perfectly illustrate most every situation where a particular workflow would support a business rule. No distracting details...no step omitted. I will definitely read more of Peter Kalmström. Time well-spent!

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